Sunday, July 18, 2010

Need to lose a few pounds before heading back to school?

If you're looking to lose a few pounds before you head back to campus this fall here are a few tips from some of the experts.

According to Jorge Cruise (author of "The Belly Fat Cure" and several other books) sugars are the main reason for belly fat. So if you want to lose belly fat, cut sugar from your diet. You don't need to cut sugar completely, just limit it. Jorge recommends no more than 15 grams of sugar a day

Jillian Michaels (you might recognize her from "The Biggest Loser" and her own show, "Losing it With Jillian") has a awesome website where you can customize your own weight loss plan for free!

The wonderful Dr. Oz also has 100 Weight Loss Tips. Some of them include:
-Planning meals ahead of time, so you don't make a last minute unhealthy choice
-Don't confuse thirst with hunger! Drink a glass of water when you feel hungry to see if that is what you're really craving
-Try not to eat too fast
- Stop drinking soda and switch to water
- Chewing sugar free gum can help suppress your appetite.

And some of my own advice...
Read food labels!! You will be amazed at how much sugar/carbs/calories are in things you might think are "healthy". And try to eat the actual recommended serving sizes, people tend to eat way more than one serving size in one sitting.

Until next time,
Stay Healthy!

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