Sunday, September 26, 2010

Don't have enough time to workout?

Ok so the biggest excuse for people not to exercise is that they don't have enough time.
I hate that excuse even though I am sometimes guilty of it myself.

Even if you don't have enough time to go to the gym and do a hardcore workout you can still do little things in your day to burn a few extra calories.
Since this blog is geared towards college students most of these tips are for people living on a college campus.
One of the things I do if I'm pressed for time to workout is take a longer route to get to class. Walking is great exercise and those extra steps really add up. Also, if you're going to take the long route, walk with purpose because walking at turtle pace is (1) annoying and (2) really doesn't do anything for you physically.
Something else you can do is take the stairs instead of an elevator, especially in the dorms.

Also, WATCH WHAT YOU EAT. Having an ice cream cone everyday after dinner really makes a difference. Don't eat a cheeseburger and french fries everyday for lunch, and you don't need to get something from every station at the dining hall.
If you live in a sorority for fraternity house and you get meals there, don't go back for seconds and watch your portions. If you have a salad bar available, take advantage of it!

Basically, read labels, don't be lazy, and watch your portions

And P.S.
Cool thing I learned this week in my intro to exercise and physical fitness class is that it's better to resistance train first and then do cardio, because if you do cardio first then you won't be able to lift as much, do as many reps, or train as intensely. But if you resistance train first you can still do your cardio workout at the same intensity.

Alrighty, thats all for now!
Stay healthy and make good choices!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Long time coming.

Sooo I haven't posted anything in a really long time. Sorry about that!
And apparently I'm technologically challenged and the post that was supposed to be my last post was a draft that I've had saved for a long time and it got posted according to the date I saw it. It's called "The Worst of the Worst" so go read it lol I think it's really interesting.

But anyway, I said I would write about how work week and recruitment went and even though it was forever ago I'll talk about it anyway. It was so busy and crazy those two weeks that I only got to workout like twice. Which drove me crazy. But I did do pretty well with eating healthy.

On to current issues....

Greek life is starting to prepare for homecoming at Mizzou and life as I know it is about to get VERY VERY stressful! So, because of this I'm going to post some articles about dealing with stress in a healthy way! Look out for those in the near future!!

Thats all for now.
Stay Healthy!